I’m Known on My iPad as an iPad Guy

Welcome to Comfort Zone! This is a show about exploring new and interesting tech, and stepping outside your comfort zone to expand your horizons (whether you want to or not). In this debut episode, we talk about what Apple should steal from the Meta Quest 3, how an iPad enthusiast takes advantage of a new Mac, and how precious family photos were saved from being lost to time. Then there's the challenge! We all spent a few weeks using Apple Reminders for task management, and our challenge for week 2 is something none of us saw coming… Zuck’s Vision Pro review https://www.instagram.com/p/C3TkhmivNzt/ MacPad story https://www.macstories.net/stories/macpad-how-i-created-the-hybrid-mac-ipad-laptop-and-tablet-that-apple-wont-make/ How to get a YouTube channel’s RSS feed https://danielmiessler.com/p/rss-feed-youtube-channel Google PhotoScan https://apps.apple.com/us/app/photoscan-by-google-photos/id1165525994 Things 3 https://culturedcode.com/things/ Fantastical https://flexibits.com/fantastical Jump Desktop https://jumpdesktop.com/ Screens https://edovia.com/en/screens/ Chris on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisLawley Matt on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ABetterComputer Niléane on Mastodon https://nileane.fr/@nileane Comfort Zone on Mastodon https://mastodon.macstories.net/@comfortzone

Om Podcasten

Comfort Zone is a podcast that pushes its hosts outside of their, well, comfort zone. Every week, each host will bring new technology they've tried to the show to discuss whether it worked and how it pushed them out of their comfort zone. Then, at the conclusion of each episode, one of the hosts will issue the dreaded challenge to the others to try something new, and perhaps even something they might not like. It's a fun, fresh way to learn something new, along with the hosts every week.