34. Please Don't Screw Up Our Kids, Part 2! A Conversation About Food, Weight & Body Image with Rebecca Scritchfield of Body Kindness

Comfort Food - A podcast by Amy Palanjian & Virginia Sole-Smith


This week, we're teaming up with Rebecca Scritchfield's Body Kindness Podcast for a very special cross-over episode. Rebecca is a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified exercise physiologist and author of Body Kindness. She and Virginia decided to dive deep into how to handle unwelcome comments about our kids' bodies or food preferences, what to do when they first use the word "fat," and how we can model body positivity... even on days when we're not feeling totally positive about our own bodies. Listen here, then check out episode 116 of Body Kindness for the other half of this important conversation.  Join the conversation by email ([email protected]) or on social media: @v_solesmith @yummytoddlerfood & @rebeccascritchfield and use the hashtag #comfortkindnessepisode. And don't forget to visit our show notes for all links and resources discussed in this episode, at comfortfoodpodcast.com. 

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