3. Feed Yourself First!
Comfort Food - A podcast by Amy Palanjian & Virginia Sole-Smith
You know how you can be up for hours in the morning, your kids will be on their second breakfast or third snack and somehow, you still haven't had a bite? (And you've had to warm up your coffee 17 times?) Well, in Episode #3 of Comfort Food, we reveal our new Mama Manifesto: #FeedYourselfFirst! We talk about why this seemingly simple thing can be so hard to pull off. (Hint: It's not you, it's sexism). And we brainstorm our best strategies to help moms prioritize their own needs at mealtimes — yes, even if it means everyone else in your family just has to wait a minute. Check out this episode's show notes page for links to Amy's favorite smoothie recipe and the reusable pouch that is changing Virginia's life, plus much more.