Crypto: Explain It Like I'm 5 (Part 1 - Bitcoin, Cryptography, & Blockchains)

ELI5 stands for “explain like I'm 5.” When people use it on Twitter or Reddit, it means asking others to explain a complex topic simply. We've created this “Crypto ELI5” in order to help anyone understand the basics of crypto, become a better crypto investor, and be able to understand how cryptographically-secured decentralized blockchain applications are changing the world. This is part 1 of 3. Parts 2 and 3 will be posted over the next couple days. CRYPTO - EXPLAIN IT LIKE I'M 5 PART 1 - BITCOIN, CRYPTOGRAPHY, & BLOCKCHAINS PART 2 - ETHEREUM & SMART CONTRACTS PART 3 - DECENTRALIZED FINANCE & OTHER IMPORTANT BASICS Give it a listen and share it with your friends who are learning. You can also read the original article at: And join our free Telegram group at:

Om Podcasten

A weekly podcast on Bitcoin, Ethereum, DeFi, Web 3.0, and The Future of Money by Ryan Allis and Mike Gavela. Includes analysis of the technological and macro trends for the smart and savvy crypto investor. Subscribe to our newsletter at and also join our free Telegram group at