Beyond Booze: Imme Ermgassen, Botivo

Episode 13 of Beyond Booze features Imme Ermgassen, co-founder of Botivo. Prior to trying and falling in love with the complexity of Botivo, Imme was the last person anyone expected to rave about a non-alcoholic drink. Coming from a background in consumer strategy and insight, Imme has become a fierce advocate for healthy hedonism. Botivo is breaking new ground among alcohol-free drinks, leaning into the herbal aperitif space with a refreshing, handmade infusion of five citrus, bittersweet and aromatic botanicals and a fermented apple base balanced out with wildflower honey. Subscribe now to get the latest episodes of Beyond Booze each week. The season finale is coming on 4 July. Discover more about Beyond Booze. 

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