Hina Shoeb & Sandeep Chana talk with Raquel Delgado Galicia

We are happy to be back with a new series of the Leveraged Finance & CLOs Uncovered podcast. In this episode your regular hosts Hina Shoeb & Sandeep Chana talk with Raquel Delgado Galicia about Nord Anglia's (Bach Finance) refinancing on strong footing thanks to improved performance, reduced leverage, & expected organic growth and the credit factors behind the upgrade to 'B'.

Om Podcasten

Introducing Our CLO Podcasts Leveraged Finance & CLOs Uncovered Podcast Everything you ever wanted to know about CLOs, Corporate Credits, Leveraged Finance and what they are. With the aim of providing market participants with further advanced analytical insight into Corporate Credits, CLOs and Leveraged Finance deals, S&P Global Ratings is holding regular podcast episodes every fortnight, based on key features we’re seeing in corporate credits and sectors that CLOs are exposed to. The Upgrade The U.S. Leveraged Finance and Recovery team is producing a monthly podcast series entitled “The Upgrade.” This series focuses on leveraged finance issuers that have upward rating potential, providing listeners with concise insights from the primary analyst along with relevant CLO market implications. In the time of Covid-19, other timely topics are also being discussed.