What really happens at a climate conference?

Dry science, boring monologues, scary stats? Think again. In this week’s Climate Quickie, we get the low-down from Ben and Maryam on what really goes down at a climate conference. Tune in for a quick behind-the-scenes tour of TED Countdown 2021; the week which introduced Climate Curious to so many new amazing people, inspiring ideas, and fuelled our most intersectional season to date. Read the summary blog of season 3 highlights: https://tedxlondon.com/podcast/best-of-season-3-climate-curious/

Om Podcasten

Are you Climate Curious? If you care about the world, but find the current conversation about climate change confusing, scary or boring – then this might be the podcast for you. Join TEDxLondon and hosts Maryam Pasha and Ben Hurst as we lift the lid on the climate emergency by speaking to the world’s leading and most relatable climate pioneers. Find out why cities are key to the climate fight, why we need to tackle systemic problems (and not just plastic straws), and why we’re all a bit crap at sustainability.