Climate Quickie: What is artivism?

“You need to understand you are much, much more powerful than the head of any big organisation that does not know how to sing and dance properly,” says Kumi Naidoo, a South African human rights and environmental activist, explaining how we can use our creative talents to drive climate action. Artivism in a nutshell? Don’t project your consciousness on the people that you’re trying to organise, Kumi explains. You need to come from a common place of understanding, and inspire them! Enjoyed this quickie? Why not listen to Kumi’s full episode on Climate Curious – How culture can help us win the climate war. Part 1: Part 2:

Om Podcasten

Are you Climate Curious? If you care about the world, but find the current conversation about climate change confusing, scary or boring – then this might be the podcast for you. Join TEDxLondon and hosts Maryam Pasha and Ben Hurst as we lift the lid on the climate emergency by speaking to the world’s leading and most relatable climate pioneers. Find out why cities are key to the climate fight, why we need to tackle systemic problems (and not just plastic straws), and why we’re all a bit crap at sustainability.