coming 5/12/2020: Clever Creature with Jason Gots

Hey there, this is Jason Gots. You know that scene in the Matrix where Neo plugs his brain into a computer and learns martial arts in like 5 seconds? The past five years have been sort of like that for me. I’ve read about a book a week, and I’m not a fast reader. And I’ve sat down with many of my intellectual and creative heroes to talk about pretty much everything. It’s been an education in how to listen and so much more.But now it’s time for something new. a real creative leap of faith.On May 12th I’ll be launching my new podcast: Clever Creature. For each episode I’ll write a song and a short story, both inspired by a random word picked out by an algorithm. Could that word be “buttocks”? Absolutely. Could it be “transcendence”? It could! Whatever it is, I gotta roll with it. There’s no place to hide.I have so much more to share with you—special guests, audience participation... But for now, All you clever creatures and closet creatives out there, please subscribe to Clever Creature, wherever you get your podcasts.