[Brand New Exclusive Live Training] - Register NOW!

Hey lady, I have some very exciting news to share! For the last four months I've been secretly working hard behind the scenes on a new exclusive training that I will be sharing with the world soon and I would like to share it with you first you're inside my "inner circle." This training covers the 3 key essential shifts any single successful woman needs to do today to completely transform her dating life and start attracting great men! Register here: claimed.com/live And this is a special training like no other. Why? Because it is a distillation of the last 4 years since I launched the Claimed program and now worked with more than 600 women and thousands of coaching calls plus another 4 years prior to that of research, my own transformation and 1-1 work with clients. When: Los Angeles: Thursday, Nov 2, 5 PM ​New York City: Thursday, Nov 2, 8 PM ​London: Friday, Nov 3, 12 AM ​Sydney: Friday, Nov 3, 11 AM We'll be first doing the training and then I'll hold a Q&A session. There will be no replays so make sure to show up live. Grab your seat now: claimed.com/live ~ Anna P.S. To really give this training the atmosphere and vibe it deserves, I hired a VIP Penthouse to film it in! Can't wait to share this with you next Thursday!

Om Podcasten

CLAIMED is a podcast that provides women inspiration, tools and resources to embrace their wild, feminine nature so they can attract and keep a masculine man. We explore ideas and practical steps to create and sustain polarity in relationships and live a life of freedom, joy and creativity by fully stepping into our feminine power. On every episode you will hear inspiring conversations with real women (and men) about their experience with polarity, feminine/masculinity, leadership, relationships, intimacy and much more. You will also hear stories, answers to questions and inspiring content from Anna - your host and femininity, relationships polarity and feminine embodiment coach. Enjoy the ride!