Air Gapped! The Myth of Securing OT - Thomas Johnson - CSP #172

The terminology of ICS has morphed into OT (Operational Technology) security; however many organizations are lacking in addressing the OT security controls. As some companies talk about air gapping as the primary method of securing OT, the reality is many times true air gapping does not exist. Join us as we discuss why these gaps occur and what needs to be done to secure OT. This segment is sponsored by Arctic Wolf. Visit to learn more about them! Visit for all the latest episodes! Show Notes:

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SC Media is proud to present this month's CISO Stories program. Each month, the CISO Stories Program explores a cybersecurity topic selected by CyberRisk Alliance’s CISO Community and provides content that examines that topic from a variety of perspectives. Hosted by Todd Fitzgerald, best-selling author of CISO COMPASS, the CISO Stories weekly podcast features content powered by the 1,100+ members of CyberRisk Alliance’s CISO Community.