Chat with Nicola Singh

Chats with Artists in Lockdown - A podcast by Emma Cousin


Nicola Singh and I talk about how we are feeling 'without giving away all our gear'. Nicola talks about liking routines even though they're not cool and how she has developed routines from establishing them on short residencies. We talk about stretching and time got back from not being on trains. We talk about painting as a method to remember and capture and making big mad diagrams. Nicola talks about where she should have been and what she would have might have been maybe be making. We talk about lifting the lid on honesty and ideas of identity, ethnicity and race. Nicola talks about looking up at an idea and writing and collaboration. We discuss how to bounce of all the negatives  of trying to teach under lockdown, remotely and without eye contact and question what liveness in lockdown might mean? We talk about going towards feeling and the tension between heightened interiority and disembodiment. We talk about dancing with your face and exploring the edges of expression. We touch on singing as a way to access the body and lifting weights in Wakefield. We end on friends and dynamic physical practise, falling into questions and sitting with all the jangly stuff without the red wine. 


'don't look so sad'


David Dale Gallery, Glasgow

Image Credit: Isoble Lutz Smith




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