Chat with Miriam Austin

Chats with Artists in Lockdown - A podcast by Emma Cousin


Miriam Austin and I talk about her new home 'studio' set up,  her PHD and her new rhythm and flow under lockdown. We talk about world building, languages of the body, aubergines and poisonous flowers and the powers of horror. We discuss her interest in story telling, collectively and in her performance and explore how other ways of being might be generated through storytelling. We consider Miriam's wide range of material and media and she talks about why these matter. We talk about how to hold onto our ideas and about Miriam's distinctive colour palette. We end with Middlemarch and meditation. 


We were never under the same water (Undine), 2019. 195 x 60 x 15cm approx, Silicone, dried hawthorn, solanum, borage, agapanthus, scabius, campion, ivy berries, pigment, hair, thread.


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