Chat with Lana Locke
Chats with Artists in Lockdown - A podcast by Emma Cousin

Lana Locke and I talk about precariously poised positivity and working on borrowed time. We talk about the reopening of the (male) football season, the drive for fitness and camaraderie in street-level sports, and responding to external stimulus by making videos under lockdown. We talk about living with butterflies and Lana’s video 'Virus Butterfly', 2020. We talk about Lana’s continuous project highlighting the hostile, wild and contradictory in the domestic environment. Lana describes making shape within a space, bringing in the audience and retaliating against voices of authority. We talk about Lana’s piece ‘Painting the Roses Red’, 2017, about it’s sources, Labour and Grenfell Tower, and the call to remain angry. We talk about the beauties of video, and relationships between installation and painting in Lana’s practice. We talk about the performance 'x days ante, y days post, and the partum in between’, 2017, and the significance of the presence of her child. We talk about bits of the body, mounds, functions, and intrusions. We talk about the placenta. We talk about her exhibition 'Making Babies' at Lungley Gallery which closed early due to lockdown. We talk about writing about your own practice, about stories between objects, about a diaristic approach and about sculpture speaking or not speaking its meaning. We end on teaching as a way to collaborate, open water swimming and dependency on supportive structures in the time of lockdown.
Lana Locke, Painting the Roses Red. 2017.