Gail Gallie - Changing a global conversation

Gail Gallie is the co-founder and creative leader of Project Everyone. Project Everyone is the organisation behind the campaign launch of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Previously, Gail has run marketing and advertising practices, but she is now focusing on how to drive solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. In this episode, we have invited Gail Gallie to talk about the conversations that led up to the big success that is the Global Goals and how it changed global conversatio...

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Change happens and manifests in Conversations, both for us as humans and for organisations. As leaders and employees we are never not in conversation. Conversations are elemental in making things happen, but it is still a blind spot with a huge potential for many of us. Conversations might be the smallest biggest thing in making organisations fit for humans and fit for the future. In this explorative podcast series, hosts Katrina Marshall Dyrting and Stig Albertsen will discuss Changing Conversations together with a range of conversation evangelists. The guests will include business leaders, as well as management thinkers and thought leaders from academia and beyond.