Handling Mistakes with Michelle Yanahan

Phil is joined by change capability development and change execution expert Michelle Yanahan to discuss handling mistakes during change. Mistakes are inevitable when managing change. There are too many moving pieces on different schedules, and run by different people to avoid missteps. Given the stress that major change initiatives inevitably produce, people can default to responses that deflect ownership, compromise resolution, and obscure learning when something goes wrong. This behavior often adds risk to the project and damages relationships. A better and more difficult approach is to expect and address mistakes as they appear. So, how do you handle mistakes in ways that identify root causes, resolve issues, and make changes, so they are less likely to happen again? You can reach Michelle at:  Email: [email protected] Website: https://changefit360.com/

Om Podcasten

Change on the Run offers effective advice on common change challenges, from veteran leaders and experts in surviving and excelling during large workplace initiatives. Guests join Phil Buckley to discuss their experiences and share the one thing they would do to meet a challenge when they're pressed for time.  From managing yourself, to managing the work, to managing others on your team, the Change on the Run podcast gives you the best results in the shortest amount of time.  Phil can be reached at [email protected]. #changemanagement #changeleadership # change #management #business #leadership #podcasts #changeontherun