S4 Ep11: Is it time to reassess the way women see success? - with Ellie English

Welcome to the podcast! Today, Jane speaks with Ellie English, co-leader of Feminine Warrior Mindset, an executive coaching company focused on culture change and high-performing teams. Ellie is passionate about avoiding executive burnout and believes that reframing success is key. They delve into how societal conditioning shapes our views on success and the impact on women, particularly mothers. Ellie shares insights on distinguishing between achievement and success, highlighting the importance of emotional well-being and presence. They discuss the challenges of hyper-rational cultures in workplaces and the need for empathy and belonging. Ellie also touches on her work with organizations, particularly in biotechnology, where inclusivity and support for women thrive. Meet Ellie: As a Leadership and Mindset Coach, Ellie English (@femininewarriormindset ) empowers mothers to thrive through sustained mindset transformation. She helps her clients reduce the mental load, authentically rebalance life and strengthen relationships from the inside out. If you are looking for support in building mental fitness, elevating your leadership effectiveness and understanding the unconscious things holding you back, you can explore Ellie’s transformative approach and methods by visiting her profile on the Careering into Motherhood website. Ellie English - Careering into Motherhood

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Why do so many of us go careering into motherhood, unaware of just how hard it is to have a meaningful career as well as family commitments? And why don’t men struggle with their careers in the same way? We talk about the rise of flexible jobs and work anywhere policies, executive burnout and the pressure to be “always on,” Government claims that 75% of mothers are in work, and yet there's being in work and there's having a career. If you’ve had a career break, been on maternity leave, want a career change, want to relaunch yourself back into work or just want a happier balance between work and everything else, Careering Into Motherhood is here with practical advice, insightful interviews and real human stories. Jane Johnson helps empower women and negotiate with employers to offer flexible working so they can stay in their careers. She negotiated her own senior role as a job-share, and in 2019 she set up the Careering Into Motherhood Facebook Group to promote discussion around flexible working, the group now has more than 8,000 members and a successful women’s mentoring programme.