c2eMusic Radio Show - 15-08-13 - Deep Soulful Soak
c2eMusic Soulful Deep House - A podcast by Richie Haynes

This week's show was off then on again. Resulted in another last minute trolley dash (don't they all?!)Some great stuff about on the soulful tip right now, anchored by the excellent Nathan Adams release on Tribe. It gives this mix a classic c2eMusic feel from a few years back. There is a nice mix of different styles through the mix as it transitions and builds.The opening stuff is really lush and deep like a nice fresh deep steaming bath. The vocals that then build on that continue with that warm bass courtesy of the production skills of Louie Vega and Sean McCabe.The mix ups a notch with the in form Rhemi (Neil Pierce & Ziggy Funk) who you can tell through their music are having a whale of a time right now. We continue to thicken the stew ever so gently one track at a time.Then out of nowhere comes the most incredible drop - "Keep On Drinkin'". I'll be honest it sounds really familiar but I don't know what it's from....can anyone help me on that? Big thanks to Frank Soto for putting me onto it during his show on Pressure the other day. Another highlight for me in the show was when I dropped Byrdman's Revenge - the Rhythm Masters mix from 2004. Wasn't sure whether anyone would remember it, I used to play it to death. Luckily the chatroom felt the same way as me, and I'm pretty sure we all made some shapes and threw some moves down, wherever we were.There's just time for a gentle rub down with a thick warm towel after that.Just don't forget to wipe around the bath after the water has drained! www.c2emusic.comwww.facebook.com/c2emusicwww.pressureradio.comc2emusic.podomatic.com Tracklisting:1: Zaki Ibrahim, Kid Fonque, DJ Whiskey - 2Sides2: Purple Velvet - Sparks Fly3: Submantra - Easy Action4: Claes Rosen - Daydreaming5: Shur-I-Kan - Kissing (Harold Heath Mix)6: Sandy Rivera - Changes7: Zaki Ibrahim, Kid Fonque, DJ Whiskey - BE8: Nathan Adams, Louie Vega - Falling9: Mike Delgado - Falling Down10: Nathan Adams, Sean McCabe - I Wonder11: Wookie, Eliza Doolittle - The Hype12: Rhemi - Hairy Mary13: Eman, DJ Fudge - Kings Of Brooklyn (Davidson Ospina Remix)14: Ayala - The Sun Has Come (Joey Negro Sundown Mix)15: Adam Rios - Distant Chords16: Rame & Bonara, Zoe Xenia - Sick (Quentin Harris Re-Production)17: DeMarzo - Draw A Line18: Asa Buchanan - Keep On Drinkin'19: Stuttering Munx, Elliot Chapman - Alright (Piers Kirwan Remix)20: The Organ Grinder - Steam Roller21: Mike Delgado - Byrdman's Revenge (Rhythm Masters Mix)22: Andre Lodemann - Eyes Wide Open (Alix Alvarez Mix)23: Jimpster - Porchlight & RockingChairs Enjoy!