Episode 9 - Seeing Truth In Our Experience

In this podcast Burgs investigates how we can enter deeply into our experience so that the innate truth it contains reveals itself, beyond our limiting thoughts and ideas. The podcast journey's into this state of presence where we learn to rest within the experience so it reflects perfectly its true nature. From this state we can see clearly into our life and are prompted act according to its deep innate wisdom that always shows us what it is we need to do.

Om Podcasten

Burgs is the founder of the organisation The Art of Meditation, and has been teaching and holding retreats for the past 25 years. He has an exceptional ability to teach beginners whilst skilfully steering well-practised meditators with many years of experience to develop their meditation to deeper levels of accomplishment. Listen to inspirational live recordings from retreats covering a wide variety of topics all to do with meditation, consciousness and the wonders of life.Website: https://theartofmeditation.org/Email: [email protected]