Episode 23 - Coping with Covid: Reflections and Guidance

If we test positive for covid-19, we are cast into a journey which we know can go a number of ways. Burgs shares his experience of having the virus with the impact not just on the physical body but also the subtle energetic body. By undertaking a digital detox and resting, he found that the virus was causing absolute turbulence in his body, and yet his mind was in a deep state of peace. The experience reinforces the importance of holding our own space and finding stillness in a storm. It is an invitation to let go which is similar to a deep vipassana practice if you can be with what arises – such as your deepest fears.  This can be very healing. 

Om Podcasten

Burgs is the founder of the organisation The Art of Meditation, and has been teaching and holding retreats for the past 25 years. He has an exceptional ability to teach beginners whilst skilfully steering well-practised meditators with many years of experience to develop their meditation to deeper levels of accomplishment. Listen to inspirational live recordings from retreats covering a wide variety of topics all to do with meditation, consciousness and the wonders of life.Website: https://theartofmeditation.org/Email: [email protected]