Episode 12 - Healthy Grief and Living Fearlessly

Burgs explores how we always have the choice to make our suffering the making of us, no matter how painful it might be.  "Healthy grief" is honouring our separation and a true state of love, as opposed to "unhealthy grief" which is not willing to accept the way things are. Grief is a process that can open us up more completely to life and does not need to shut down our capacity to love. In this way, we can live with a sense of gratitude and appreciative joy, rather than fear. 

Om Podcasten

Burgs is the founder of the organisation The Art of Meditation, and has been teaching and holding retreats for the past 25 years. He has an exceptional ability to teach beginners whilst skilfully steering well-practised meditators with many years of experience to develop their meditation to deeper levels of accomplishment. Listen to inspirational live recordings from retreats covering a wide variety of topics all to do with meditation, consciousness and the wonders of life.Website: https://theartofmeditation.org/Email: [email protected]