60: NuCalm CEO Jim Poole- using neuroscience to get 2 hours of deep sleep in 20 minutes

NuCalm might be the most revolutionary company you’ve never heard of. Blending science-fiction and reality, it is a patented, FDA-approved system to effectively reduce stress and improve sleep. NuCalm CEO Jim Poole joined hosts Scott and Andrei on the show to illuminate how the product works. This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling with stress management. Some key takeaways:   As humans, we cannot understand the intangible or long-time horizons. This is why stress builds over time and has become an epidemic The human prefrontal cortex is at a 36 million year evolutionary disadvantage to the ‘reptilian brain’, the area of the brain that initiates the stress response. Resource allocation, a fundamental concept in business, also applies to our bodies. When under stress, oxygen is diverted from the brain Chronic stress is not a badge of honor- it is highly counterproductive in terms of health and professional success. Quality above all else- NuCalm has generated tens of millions in revenue with almost no marketing spend

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In this podcast, we are here to discuss the challenges high growth companies face and how to overcome them. We will be focusing on the human parts of work and how you can create a culture that brings out the best in your people and unlocks their full potential.