Episode 55 - It's All About Relationships, Business, Life And Politics - with Sir Richard Needham

This week, Shaa is joined by her ‘Pops’ Sir Richard Needham who, as a Member Of Parliament from 1979 to 1997, served as Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and as Minister of State for Trade.  They discuss his recent memoir and his countless escapades ... Richard and Shaa met many years ago when they were both working alongside Sir James Dyson and became lifelong friends. Their relationship is testament to both of their firm beliefs that every success in life comes from the importance we play on relationships. Despite the fact that they were born into entirely opposite ends of the social economic spectrum; they’ve forged a deep respect for each other. Richard discusses his outlook on life, the origins of his entrepreneurial spirit, and the life lessons he has learned during an incredible career as one of the UK's most influential businessmen and politicians.  KEY TAKEAWAYS In order to get the best out of the people in your business, you must put your trust in them and accept that they want responsibility. Money is a reward for what people do, but it shouldn't be used as an incentive. Incentives work far better if they make people feel like participants in the business. Politics is going through a dark moment now, where a lack of morals, ethics and reliability seem to be the norm. Politicians seem to think that the people work for them, when the reality is quite the opposite.  Don’t judge people by their past BEST MOMENTS  'Everything you say I endorse thoroughly' 'If you want to get the best out of everybody then you've got to trust them' ''It feels like we've gone back to the 18th century!' 'You actually changed my perception' VALUABLE RESOURCES One Man, Two Worlds: Memoir of a Businessman in Politics, Sir Richard Needham - https://www.amazon.co.uk/One-Man-Two-Worlds-Businessman/dp/1780733151/ref=asc_df_1780733151/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=499289607994&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7722550494415712207&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044955&hvtargid=pla-1275106120739&psc=1&th=1&psc=1 Building A Bigger Table Podcast - https://omny.fm/shows/building-a-bigger-table  MEET YOUR HOST Hi, I’m Shaa. I’ve been called a serial entrepreneur … but I’ve never been one for labels! I’ve done SO many things in my career, including starting and scaling multiple 7 figure businesses, and am grateful for being recognised with some lovely awards - most proudly, an MBE from The Queen “for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship”. I’ve been featured in major publications for my efforts (named one of the UK’s Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times and one of the ‘Most Influential Women in the UK' by the Institute of Directors), and have written 4 straight-talking, bestselling books; Stop Talking, Start Doing; Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book, Do Less, Get More; and most recently, How To Fix Your Shi*t. WHERE TO FIND SHAA  Website - https://www.shaa.com/ Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaawasmund  

Om Podcasten

Shaa is the original misfit, maverick and magic maker.  Despite an Economics degree from The London School of Economics and a proud recipient of an MBE from The Queen, her real talents come from the school of hard knocks. Growing up on a council estate, Shaa learnt early on, that the only way to level the playing field was to first believe you could. Then go all in on making it happen.  Shaa’s first book, "Stop Talking Start Doing" became WHSmith's #1 Bestselling Business Book for 14 months in a row, breaking all industry records.  Shaa has never been one to sit on the fence or rest on her laurels and today her sole mission is to level the playing field and create real social mobility for all. The Sunday Times recently named her as “One of the top 20 most influential entrepreneurs in the UK”.