600: The big 600

BSD Now - A podcast by JT Pennington - Thursdays


Lead Asahi Developer stands down, moderators reminiscing about joining the podcast, Support for the Radxa Orian O6 board in OpenBSD, FreeBSD and hi-fi audio setup: bit-perfect, equalizer, real-time, OpenBGPD 8.8 released, and more NOTES This episode of BSDNow is brought to you by Tarsnap and the BSDNow Patreon Topics Hector Martin stands down as lead developer on Asahi Linux No forward progress for Rust to be given first class status in the kernel Having to maintain a thousand plus patches against a fast moving upstream project (Linux Kernel) Dwindling funds What does this mean for sister projects like OpenBSD? 600th episode flash back When did you come across BSDNow? What are some of your highlights? Where are we going in the future...? What would we like to do for the show as hosts. Pie in the sky thinking and discussion. Round Up Support for the Radxa Orian O6 board in OpenBSD As well, the NetBSD project is trying to bring up this board Conversation around the state of ARM64 SoC and options LibreSSL is not affected by the OpenSSL vulnerabilities announced today. FreeBSD and hi-fi audio setup: bit-perfect, equalizer, real-time OpenBGPD 8.8 released Tarsnap This weeks episode of BSDNow was sponsored by our friends at Tarsnap, the only secure online backup you can trust your data to. Even paranoids need backups. Feedback/Questions The Most Important Question Send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to [email protected] Join us and other BSD Fans in our BSD Now Telegram channel

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