587: New filesystems category
BSD Now - A podcast by JT Pennington - Thursdays

FreeBSD Quarterly Report, Welcome to the new category: filesystems, BSD Misconceptions, Notes on the compatibility of crypted passwords across Unixes in late 2024, Automating ZFS Snapshots for Peace of Mind, A few nice things in OpenZFS 2.3, and more NOTES This episode of BSDNow is brought to you by Tarsnap and the BSDNow Patreon Headlines FreeBSD Quarterly Report News Roundup Welcome to the new category: filesystems BSD Misconceptions Notes on the compatibility of crypted passwords across Unixes in late 2024 Automating ZFS Snapshots for Peace of Mind A few nice things in OpenZFS 2.3 Tarsnap This weeks episode of BSDNow was sponsored by our friends at Tarsnap, the only secure online backup you can trust your data to. Even paranoids need backups. Feedback/Questions Izzy - Misconceptions John - UNIX Graphical Desktops Send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to [email protected] Join us and other BSD Fans in our BSD Now Telegram channel