584: ZFS Copy Offloading

BSD Now - A podcast by JT Pennington - Thursdays


New CIS® FreeBSD 14 Benchmark: Secure Your Systems with Expert-Guided Best Practices, Accelerating ZFS with Copy Offloading: BRT, The uncertain possible futures of Unix graphical desktops, Jailfox - Firefox in a Freebsd Jail, Make Your Own Read-Only Device With NetBSD, ex/vi/nvi editor: .exrc advanced, NOTES This episode of BSDNow is brought to you by Tarsnap and the BSDNow Patreon Headlines New CIS® FreeBSD 14 Benchmark: Secure Your Systems with Expert-Guided Best Practices Accelerating ZFS with Copy Offloading: BRT News Roundup The uncertain possible futures of Unix graphical desktops Jailfox - Firefox in a Freebsd Jail Make Your Own Read-Only Device With NetBSD ex/vi/nvi editor: .exrc file (config file) advanced topics (undocumented?): Adding comments, escaping the pipe, mapping key combinations Tarsnap This weeks episode of BSDNow was sponsored by our friends at Tarsnap, the only secure online backup you can trust your data to. Even paranoids need backups. Feedback/Questions Matthew - CI CD Send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to [email protected] Join us and other BSD Fans in our BSD Now Telegram channel

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