Brattlecast #142 - Post-Covid Changes

As the Covid-19 pandemic slowly draws to a close, we’re taking stock of some of the changes it’s caused—to downtown Boston, the secondhand book business, and, especially, the Brattle. Differences at the shop run deeper than masked employees and plexiglass barriers: after a disastrous first year, we’re busier than ever before, and our new customers tend to be younger and more diverse. A revised book-buying policy has cut down on conflict, and we’ve renewed our focus on in-person shopping, keeping many of the better books offline. Some of the most important changes at the shop have to do with not being there: prioritizing family, travel, and work/life balance. We talk about it all on today’s “new normal” episode of the #brattlecast.

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At one of America's oldest bookshops, there are just as many stories to be told outside the pages as in them. Join Brattle Book Shop proprietor Kenneth Gloss and co-host Jordan Rich as they share insightful and entertaining conversations and histories surrounding Boston's favorite spot for bibliophiles. Topics range from military autobiographies to regional cookbooks and everything in between. Updates every two weeks.