Season 7 Reboot: Climbing that Magic Tower to Kill a God with the Power of Friendship

Well friends, you never saw it coming. Unless you have listened to the show for even 5 minutes before and knew what huge nerds we are. Today, the Boys wrap up their planned Boy Meets World CWesque reboot with a banger of a final season. It is Persona X Boy Meets World like you never expected. There is magic. There is Mayhem. Millie, Mr. Mack (a Minkus variant obviously), and Topanga's long lost sister Nebula are back for revenge with a magical tower in tow and it is up to the 7 pals to settle things, the hard way (see what we did there). Oh CW, money please!

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Hello world! Two great friends, Chance and Cameron, are life long Boy Meets World Fans. Join them as the talk their way through each episode, laughing and learning along with Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Mr. Feeny. They also build a timeline, keeping track of the shows twisted history, hoping to make sense of it all.