Boys Meet Non-Struck Media Episode 9 (The Re-Rise of Baldur's Gate 3)

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called 2023 the Boys come together to talk about Baldur's Gate 3 again, as a treat.The strike seems to be coming to an end soon and the Boys are happy to talk about some of the good things happening with the WGA and SAG strikes. Cameron brings the modern retro RPGs Sea of Stars and Chained Echoes. Chance talks about a new (to him) video game podcast, Triple Click.

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Hello world! Two great friends, Chance and Cameron, are life long Boy Meets World Fans. Join them as the talk their way through each episode, laughing and learning along with Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Mr. Feeny. They also build a timeline, keeping track of the shows twisted history, hoping to make sense of it all.