Boys Meet Nana Boo Boo

Despite all evidence to the contrary that a sitcom can't really speak well to issues such as weight and body image, Boy Meets World really goes for the fences in "She's Having My Baby Back Ribs" and the results are...not as bad as we were expecting.Join the Boys as they rewatch a not so classic season 7 episode full of pizza, waffles, six pack abs, thinly veiled references to the nature of Jack and Rachel's former relations(hip) and the one and only appearance of the legendary Nana Boo Boo!

Om Podcasten

Hello world! Two great friends, Chance and Cameron, are life long Boy Meets World Fans. Join them as the talk their way through each episode, laughing and learning along with Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Mr. Feeny. They also build a timeline, keeping track of the shows twisted history, hoping to make sense of it all.