Boys Meet Garage Sale Brawls (with HiFiMike)

Do you ever think about things that you have to do in the future and feel paralyzed at the thought of having to eventually do that thing and then once you do it you realize it wasn't as bad as you were expecting? I don't think there is a word for it but it certainly would not be used here. The Boys, along with long time guest HiFiMike, finally made it to the one they have been dreading all this time. The episode that both agreed was a bad bake Mary Berry, is the one this week! And hooboy were they right about this one.

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Hello world! Two great friends, Chance and Cameron, are life long Boy Meets World Fans. Join them as the talk their way through each episode, laughing and learning along with Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Mr. Feeny. They also build a timeline, keeping track of the shows twisted history, hoping to make sense of it all.