S8:9 EP116: An Ending

Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder


The final episode!  116 episodes, 76k+ downloads, and we’re calling it a day.  Thank you sincerely so much to everyone who has listened, written in, and shared this podcast over the years. I'll continue writing on Substack and may even have new podcast projects in the works, so please follow along there to stay in touch: https://bornofwonder.substack.com/  Also, if you email me ([email protected]) a list of all the references/voices you hear in the Born of Wonder introduction (and don’t google!) I’ll send you a bottle of holy water I collected myself from a well in Ireland. :) [just the first three people, it’s not magical refilling water, at least I don’t think so…] Thank you sincerely for listening and sharing this podcast over the years. I hope it has given you wonder and delight and reminded you that it is a beautiful world we live in (truly) - “we make idols of our concepts but wisdom is born of wonder.”

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