S7:7 E99: Persephone and the Promise of Spring
Born of Wonder - A podcast by bornofwonder

Happy first day of Spring! Happy feast of St. Joseph! Today we'll hear the magical, sad, beautiful story of Persephone and how she became the wife of Hades, God of the Underworld. Persephone's yearly return to the Earth promises not only a good harvest and a blooming spring but the ultimate hope of resurrection and immortality. This episode is also filled with beautiful immersive music and you'll hear why Katie thinks classical music (and art generally) should always be open for reinterpretation and creative engagement. ---- www.bornofwonder.com www.mediamarqcreative.com Born of Wonder Substack Come to Ireland with me in October 2024! --- Spring 1 - Max Richter Vivaldi Recomposed Story from Bullfinch's Mythology - Persephone and Cerce Sound effects courtesy of FreeSound Recommendation: Niklas Liepe - GoldBergHain (Quodlibet on "Kraut und Rüben haben mich vertrieben")