Special Episode: Creating an Authentic & Unshakeable Presence with James Heppner

Meet James Heppner, founder and CEO of Heppner Results Coaching. The best way I can describe James is as a fierce and gentle lion, here to experience and share unconditional love in this life form. Majestically imperfect, he strives to embody both the masculine and feminine parts of himself, and he shares the story of his personal shadow-work: vulnerable authenticity towards unconditional self-love.  

Om Podcasten

I'm a mental-fitness-soul-aligning enthusiast. I love science but I love spirituality even more. As a licensed Psychologist & Psychospiritualist, I have an obsession to find my truth & help others find theirs. Whether it's through my own ramblings, connecting with others, or sharing what I'm learning from other dimensions, I'm all about delivering what's important. Let me help you create effortless shifts so that you can finally live with your head & heart aligned. My hope is to leave a significant ripple of love & inspiration. In love, laughter, and radiance, Jisunny (Dr. J)