S1E7: Stablecoins, CBDCs & Libra (Diem) with Gorazd Ocvirk and Gavin Pacini from Sygnum
Blockchain Won't Save the World - A podcast by Anthony Day - Saturdays

Everything you wanted to know about Stablecoins in one podcast. The boys from Sygnum talk through how they created their own Swiss Franc Stablecoin under Swiss banking regulation, the different classifications of Stablecoin, and how the future may unfold in terms of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and Facebook's Libra. A must for anyone wanting to understand Stablecoins in more detail. In this episode we cover: - Stablecoin classification: Centralised crypto-collateralised, Decentralised crypto-collateralised, FIAT collateralised and CBCDs - How to develop a Stablecoin using Ethereum ERC20 tokens - Integrating Public Blockchain and HSMs with traditional core banking platforms - The differences between permissionless cryptocurrencies and regulated stablecoins (KYC, Whitelists, Pauses and Confiscation) - How many Stablecoins does the world need? Will there be one to rule them all, or multiple domain or country-specific coins? - The value and potential impact of Libra and Central Bank Digital Currencies References made in the show: Sygnum: https://www.sygnum.com/ Gorazd's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gorazd-ocvirk-phd-43ba4763/ Gavin's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavinpacini/