Vision - Real Talk Weds!

Real Talk Wednesday! Episode 4, Vision is informative and enlightening.  You will learn about receiving a vision, creating a vision board, and getting rid of naysayers.  I will also list what not to bring into the new year.   Definitions:Vision:  the ability to think your or plan the future with imagination or wisdomPerish:  Cease, die, crumble, vanish, disappearNaysayers:  A person who criticizes or objectsScriptures:  KJV Proverbs 29:18:  "Where there is no vision the people perish."KJV Habakkuk 2:2:  "Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it."Please live a rating and review.  Happy New Year!

Om Podcasten

Hey Real People! During the pandemic death hit my family hard! I will never be same! I don’t view life as I once did. I am back with a vengeance! I am rebranding Black Sistah Podcast. Its new name is now, The Darla Simone Experience. I hope to continue to inform, encourage, and inspire you as I navigate my life after a recent tragedy and in my new career as a new real estate agent. Join my family of real people on my podcast, Facebook and Instagram. Thank You for your prayers and loyalty. I appreciate each one of you, Darla Simone