The Power of No

On this episode, I will teach  about the power of the word, no.  No is frequently muddled with negativity when it’s actually a word of good character.  It allows us to set limits and gain strength. Often, we are afraid of what others may think of us, if we refuse their request. Yes is the answer given when we really want to say, no. We feel an obligation and forget about our own needs. When no is used it empowers and prioritizes self.  Bible Scriptures:  “A Person’s words can be life-giving water:  words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”  Proverbs 18:4“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men..” Colossians 3:23“Let what you say be simply “Yes or No” anything  more than this comes from evil.”  Matthew 5:37“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverb 15:1Please leave a rating or review.  Thank you.

Om Podcasten

Hey Real People! During the pandemic death hit my family hard! I will never be same! I don’t view life as I once did. I am back with a vengeance! I am rebranding Black Sistah Podcast. Its new name is now, The Darla Simone Experience. I hope to continue to inform, encourage, and inspire you as I navigate my life after a recent tragedy and in my new career as a new real estate agent. Join my family of real people on my podcast, Facebook and Instagram. Thank You for your prayers and loyalty. I appreciate each one of you, Darla Simone