187 | Cancer New Moon, Venus Retrograde, and the Nodes Shift Signs!

Big Sky Astrology Podcast - A podcast by April Elliott Kent


All hail the last Cancer New Moon opposed Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetimes! In other news: The lunar nodes shift into Aries and Libra; the Sun aspects Neptune and Pluto before entering its brilliant Leo season; Mercury gains inspiration from Jupiter and Uranus; Mars is blocked by Saturn; and Venus turns retrograde through Sep. 3! Plus: Dark shadows, Leo as a national holiday, and the quality of the conversation. For even more details about this action-packed week, purchase the replay of April’s July 16th Cancer New Moon Seasonal Webinar. Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?  Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Timestamps [1:38] Moon Report!  Cancer New Moon (July 17, 11:32 AM PDT) is at 24º56’ Cancer on the Sabian symbol 25 Cancer, Dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder.  [2:04] The Sun’s opposition to Pluto on July 21 (8:52 PM PDT) at 29°07’ Cancer-Capricorn. What kind of responsibility will we take on? How can we finish up old, heavy Pluto in Capricorn business? [4:13] This important New Moon trines Neptune in Pisces, planet of healing and forgiveness. The Sun’s exact trine to Neptune is on July 20 (6:06 AM PDT), 27°35’ Cancer-Pisces. [5:09] This New Moon begins a Lunar Phase Family Cycle, with critical points on April 15, 2024 (First Quarter), Jan. 13, 2025 (Full Moon), and Oct. 13, 2025 (Last Quarter). Themes of power and responsibility continue through the July 15, 2026 New Moon. [7:23] The North Node enters Aries and the South Node enters Libra (July 17, 1:00 PM PDT) just hours after the New Moon. [8:06] The Nodal cycle is 18 years, and their natural motion is retrograde. The nodes have been in Taurus/Scorpio since Jan. 18, 2022.  [8:38] The Nodes were last in Libra-Aries (Libra North Node) between Feb. 18, 2014 – Nov. 11, 2015. They’ll be in these signs (Aries North Node) until Jan. 11, 2025. [9:18] During this nodal transit, release codependence and people-pleasing and embrace independence, pioneering, moving in new directions. [10:21] On July 22 (9:37 PM) transiting Pluto squares this nodal axis at 29º06’ Capricorn-Aries. Important relationships changes provide an encouraging shove toward independence. [12:37] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On July 17 (8:06 PM PDT), the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto. It's VOC for about 1 ½ hours. Revisit emotional patterns related to safety and control. [13:26] The Moon in Leo conjuncts Venus on July 20 (7:08 AM PDT). It’s VOC for about three hours. What lights you up inside? [13:53] On July 22, the Moon in Virgo trines Pluto (9:06 PM PDT). It's VOC for just under two hours. Virgo conscientiousness is rewarded by higher-ups. [15:22] Mars opposes Saturn on July 20 (1:39 PM PDT) at 06º20’ Virgo and Pisces.  Feeling stymied in getting things done? Try to go with the Pisces flow.  [17:31] The Sun enters the sign of its rulership, Leoooooo, on July 22 (6:50 PM PDT).  Over the next month, it squares Jupiter and Uranus and conjoins Venus. [20:25] Mercury squares Jupiter on July 17 (5:49 AM PDT) at 11º53’ Leo-Taurus. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol, An evening lawn party. [20:55] Mercury squares Uranus on July 23 (2:39 PM PDT) at 22º32’ Leo-Taurus [21:54] Venus turns retrograde (Rx) on July 22 (6:33 PM PDT, 28º36’ Leo). When planets are Rx, go within for guidance in matters related to that planet (for Venus, that’s love and money). Venus is Rx through Sep. 3.  [23:32] Venus was last Rx in Leo between July 25-Sep. 6, 2015. Venus has an eight-year Rx cycle, so look back at eight-year intervals to find when Venus was Rx in this same part of the zodiac and in the same area of your chart. [25:10] Venus is Rx every 18 months for 40 days. Consider checking out April’s webinar for more details concerning Venus retrograde period.  [25:41] Have your question answered on a future episode! Leave a message of one minute or less at speakpi

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