173 | Sun Meets Jupiter: The Big Adventure!

Big Sky Astrology Podcast - A podcast by April Elliott Kent


This week: That big boom you're hearing is the annual conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter, sending us off on a big adventure! Venus enters Gemini and tangles with Saturn and Pluto. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn urges contemplation to prepare us for the upcoming Solar Eclipse. And April chats with astrologer Gaye Nelson to answer a Listener Question about the Almuten: What is it? What does it represent in the chart? And, how is it used? Plus: Multiple sweaters, actual bookstores, and Captain Kirk! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?  Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:19] Venus enters Gemini on April 10th (9:47 PM PDT) and will be in this sign until May 6th. Call up your sibling and set up a playdate at your favorite bookstore to buy multiple books! [3:12] Venus trines Pluto on April 11th (3:14 AM PDT) at 0°15’ of Gemini and Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for Venus at this trine is 1 Gemini, A glass bottomed boat in still water. Examine personal and monetary matters at a deeper level. [5:46] A few hours later on April 11th (3:07 PM PDT), the Sun conjoins Jupiter at 21°45’ Aries. The Sabian symbol for this conjunction is 22 Aries, The gate to the garden of desire. Channel Star Trek’s Captain Kirk - knock down that gate and get what you desire! [8:02] Moon Report! The Last Quarter Moon at 23°11’ Capricorn (April 13th, 2:11 AM PDT) squares the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Aries. The Sabian symbol for the Moon is 24° Capricorn, A woman entering a convent  Focus and structure could help make progress on a recent passion project. [9:43] The Sabian symbol for the Sun during this Last Quarter Moon is 24 Aries, An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia. Be on the lookout for new information coming in, especially since there will be a second Aries New Moon, a Solar Eclipse on April 19th. [10:20] This is the Last Quarter Moon in a Lunar Phase Family that began on January 12th, 2021, when the Sun and Moon at 24° Capricorn were in a conjunction with Pluto.  In the U.S., the events of January 6th occurred just a week earlier, so expect developments in that story at this time. [11:03] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. Want to learn more about Void-of-Course Moon Periods?!?  Sign up for April’s upcoming online presentation to the San Francisco Astrological Society (April 27, 2023) here! [12:02] On April 11th (3:48 AM PDT), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune and will be VOC for about 6 ¾ hours before it enters Capricorn (10:33 AM PDT). It’s hard to hit a target in the fog. [13:10] The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on April 13th (7:14 AM PDT) and is VOC for 6 ½ hours before entering Aquarius (1:42 PM PDT). Take off those blinders and be open to nonconformist possibilities. [14:22] On April 15th (8:16 AM PDT), the Moon in Aquarius sextiles the Sun, is VOC for about 7 ¾ hours and will then enter Pisces (3:57 PM PDT). Explore innovative ways to reach those goals from the April 11th Aries Sun/Jupiter conjunction. [15:35] On April 14th (9:38 AM PDT), Venus squares Saturn at 04°03’ Gemini and Pisces on Sabian symbols 5 Gemini, A radical magazine and 5 Pisces, A church bazaar. Considerations about relational crossroads can be expected. [17:40] Listener Mariana asks "Almuten, what is it?”  Astrologer, Gaye Nelson, describes what it is and how she uses it. [27:37] For more on the Almuten - A couple of sample articles: Almuten as a Guardian Angel or Daimon (Christopher Warnock); Influential Planets  (Ryhan Butler).  There are countless variations on how to calculate the Almuten. To find the Almuten in your chart using Solar Fire software, open a chart, select Reports in the right-hand menu, then select Tabulations > Almuten Scores. Or, calculate it using the Online Almuten calculator from Astrofox. (You'll need to input your latitude

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