168 | Virgo Full Moon and Saturn enters Pisces: A New Job!

Big Sky Astrology Podcast - A podcast by April Elliott Kent


This week: The Sun and Mercury get a wake-up call from Uranus; the Virgo Full Moon erupts on the same day tough-daddy Saturn enters Pisces for a two-and-a-half-year stay; Venus and Mars meet in a sweet aspect of prosperity and happiness. And April's final mini-lesson in the Saturn in Pisces series looks at Saturn in aspect to planets in your birth chart. Plus: A grouchy volcano, a new job, and an open window! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?  Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook | Instagram |  Twitter |  YouTube Timestamps [1:16] The week begins with the Sun sextile Uranus on March 6th (5:42 AM PST), at 15°42’ Pisces and Taurus. The Sun in aspect with Uranus is an invitation to change the way we think about ourselves. [1:53] The Sabian symbol for the Sun, 16 Pisces: The flow of inspiration, speaks to the ways we glide along in our sense of who we are. Uranus in Taurus challenges this unconscious flow with changes that can be tangible and long-lasting. [3:39] Moon Report!  The Full Moon is on March 7th (4:40 AM PST) at 16°40’ Virgo.  The Full Moon is a revelation point for the Pisces New Moon on February 19th or 20th, depending on where you live. It's also a revelation point in the Lunar Gestation cycle that began with the Virgo New Moon on September 6th, 2021. [5:19] The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is 17 Virgo, A volcano interruption. A perfect description of this Full Moon which is trine Uranus and square Mars, both of which are very volatile and combustible planets. Try rigorous exercise or spring cleaning to release any excess energy. [6:38] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On March 8th, the Moon in Virgo trines Pluto at (6:07 AM PST) and is VOC just a little over a half an hour before it enters Libra (6:44 AM PST). What progress have you made in rewiring your mindset around healthy habits and having a productive, service-orientated mindset? [7:54] The Moon in Libra squares Pluto (3:36 pm PST) on March 10th. It is VOC for just about a half an hour, before it enters Scorpio (4:06 PM PST). Have you broken habits of being overaccommodating in your relationships? [8:30] On March 12th, the Moon in Scorpio is sextile Pluto (11:58 PM PDT). It is VOC for only 23 minutes, before it enters Sagittarius on March 13th (12:21 AM PDT). Have you transcended petty grudges and negative emotions? [9:28] Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7th (5:35 AM PST) and will stay in this sign until May 24, 2025, and then between September 1, 2025 and February 13, 2026.  Saturn moving into a new sign, which it does about every two-and-a-half years, is a little bit like starting a new job. [10:35] Saturn’s goal is always to make us stronger and better versions of ourselves. Saturn in Pisces requires that we combine practical boundaries with helpful impulses. [12:28] On March 11th (7:05 AM PST), Venus makes a sextile aspect to Mars at 23°34’ Aries and Gemini.  The Sabian symbol for Venus, 24 Aries, is An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia. Combine last week’s optimistic Venus/Jupiter conjunction with this Venus/Mars aspect and you could find an opportunity to take some relationship to a new level. [13:31] A few hours later on March 11th (1:04 PM PST), Mercury sextiles Uranus at 15°54’ Pisces and Taurus. The Sabian symbol for Uranus is 16 Taurus Old man attempting vainly to reveal the mysteries; allow input from people you trust, but in the end, you have to do things your own way. [15:23] Mini-Lesson: Saturn in aspect to planets in the birth chart. [16:15] Saturn aspecting the Sun. The hard work of being your best self. [17:53] Saturn aspecting the Moon. Struggles bring emotional growth. [18:39] Saturn aspecting Mercury. Reconstruct past stories. Study an intimidating topic. [19:39] Saturn aspecting Venus. What makes you happy v

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