165 | Sun in Pisces, Venus with Neptune, and the Beautiful Cloud!

Big Sky Astrology Podcast - A podcast by April Elliott Kent


This week: Valentine's Day is flavored by Venus' rapturous conjunction to romantic Neptune, by the Sun's conjunction with realistic Saturn, and by the aftermath of an emotionally intense, pattern-breaking Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio. The Sun enters Pisces – what lights us up during this imaginative season? Venus enters fast-moving (impulsive?) Aries. And April answers a listener’s question about the best time to move into a new home. Plus: Impulse spending, the antithesis of romance, and the boom, boom, boom! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?  Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook | Instagram |  Twitter |  YouTube Timestamps [1:18] Moon Report! On February 13 (8:01 AM PST), a Last Quarter Moon at 24°40’ Scorpio opposed Uranus, squares the Sun and Saturn. The Last Quarter Moon Phase is the moment in the lunar cycle for looking back and assessing our progress since the previous New Moon (January 21st at 1°32’ Aquarius). [2:39] This is also the Last Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family that began with the Scorpio New Moon on November 14, 2020. That New Moon was sextile a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. What old patterns have you been working hard to break free from? [4:14] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. The Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on February 13 (3:52 PM PST). The Moon is VOC for about an hour and a half before entering Sagittarius (5:31 PM PST).  Here is an opportunity to clear the emotional air and to release some grudges, negativity, and lack of trust. [5:20] On February 15 (5:06 PM PST), the Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. It’s VOC for about four hours and enters Capricorn at 9:00 PM PST. Time to bring a bit of structure and form to those enthusiastically expansive dreams. [6:09] The Moon in Capricorn conjoins Pluto on February 17 (8:18 PM PST). It’s VOC for about an hour and fifteen minutes before entering Aquarius (9:35 PM PST). This VOC period could be a more intense follow up to the Moon’s sextile to Pluto on February 13th, when there was an opportunity to release emotional negativity. [7:25] The Moon in Aquarius conjoins Saturn on February 19 (6:00 PM PST) and is VOC for about three hours before it enters Pisces (8:56 PM PST). Preoccupied by thoughts about future goals, it may be difficult to be emotionally present. [9:00] On February 15 (4:25 AM PST), exalted Venus makes a conjunction with domiciled Neptune at 24°04’ Pisces, on the Sabian symbol, 25 Pisces, The purging of the priesthood. This romantic aspect influences Valentine’s Day even though it’s exact on the following day. [10:28] Rose-colored glasses are part of Venus-Neptune’s wardrobe, but check false, unhealthy ideals at the door of this party. Solo or partnered, this could be an opportunity to fall in love with the reality of the life you are building. [11:41] The Sun makes its annual conjunction to Saturn on February 16 (8:48 AM PST) at 27°44’ Aquarius. This sobering aspect will be present alongside the Venus-Neptune conjunction on Valentine’s Day as well. The Sabian symbol for 28 Aquarius is A tree felled and sawed. This symbol and aspect, speak of the kind of pragmatism it takes for the times when a dreaded action needs to be taken for practical reasons. [13:52] On February 18 (2:34 PM PST), the Sun enters Pisces (through March 20th). The nature of Pisces is mutable, flexible, and goes with the flow. Pisces is also a water sign and water represents the inner life.  The double-edged sword of idealism is the spark that initiates creative juices during Pisces season. Be sure to tune into the upcoming episodes of the podcast, when April will discuss Saturn in Pisces through the houses of a the chart and in aspect to natal planets! [16:43] Venus enters Aries on February 19 (11:56 PM PST, throug

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