157 | Jupiter in Pisces: A Final Hurrah!

Big Sky Astrology Podcast - A podcast by April Elliott Kent


It's a low-energy, take-it-easy week as the Sun fields a questionable offer from Saturn and a wake-up call from Neptune; Mercury connects with Uranus for some outside-the-box thinking; the  Virgo Last Quarter Moon encourages us to clean up some loose ends as we prepare to say farewell to Jupiter in Pisces next week and welcome the Capricorn solstice; and April answers a listener’s question about Morning and Evening stars. Plus: Borrowed eyeglasses, low batteries, and prime time in the Antipodes! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?  Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:08] The week begins with the Sun's sextile aspect to Saturn (Dec. 12, 10:12 AM PST, 20°41’ Sagittarius and Aquarius). The Sabian symbols: Sun on 21 Sagittarius, A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses, Saturn on 21 Aquarius, A woman disappointed and disillusioned. Consider holding off on making major commitments at this time because we may not be seeing the whole story. [3:20] On Dec. 14 at 9:10 AM PST, the Sun makes a square aspect to Neptune at 22°40’ Sagittarius and Pisces.  The Sabian symbols: Sun on 23 Sagittarius, Immigrants entering,  Neptune on 23 Pisces, A materializing medium. Your batteries may feel a little low, so take a break from all of the holiday hustle in favor of warm, fireside chats with dear friends and loved ones. [6:36] Moon Report! The Last Quarter Moon at 24°21’ Virgo (Dec. 16, 12:56 AM PST) forms a stressful T-square configuration with the Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces. [7:39] A Last Quarter Moon indicates a need to take corrective action based on past experience or prior knowledge. This Moon opposes Jupiter, finishing up its stay in Pisces. Reflect on how your horizons may have expanded since May of 2021, when Jupiter first Pisces.  Jupiter enters Aries on Dec. 20 and will not return to Pisces for another 12 years (approximately). [10:25] Void-of-Course Moon periods (VOC). The Moon at 21°36’ Leeeeoooo trines the Sun in Sagittarius on Dec. 13 at 7:52 AM PST. Then the Moon is VOC for almost 17 hours (!!!) before entering Virgo on Dec. 14 at 12:45 AM PST. A perfect time for a holiday party! [11:26] On Dec. 16 at 11:13 AM PST, the Moon at 29°41’ Virgo opposes Jupiter in Pisces. It's then VOC for a little over half an hour before it enters Libra at 11:49 AM PST.  Put on your analytical Virgo hat and jot down some notes on what is needed for the very last part of Jupiter’s journey through Pisces. [12:17] The Moon at 27°15’ Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Dec. 18 at 2:35 PM PST.  It's VOC for about five hours before it enters Scorpio at 7:30 PM PST.  This could be a time to take a very honest review of how balanced our relationships are. [13:59] On Dec. 17 at 1:36 PM PST, Mercury at 15°28’ Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus.  Uranus is on the Sabian symbol 16 Taurus, An old man attempting vainly to reveal the mysteries.  The Sabian symbol for Mercury is 16 Capricorn, Boys and girls in gymnasium suits.  Inspiration strikes!  The “new” informs and improves the “old.” [16:40] Listener Denver asks about planets as evening or morning stars.  Here are the links to Michael R. Meyer’s articles about Venus as a Morning and Evening Star and The Four Faces of Mercury on astro.com. [22:22] If you have a burning question about astrology that you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a voicemail of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or just send an email to april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com.  Be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. [22:55] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share!  This episode is brought to you by donors Kristine Lankenau and Phyllis Lamken! [24:08] If you enjoy the show and if you would like to receive April’s Bonus Donors-only episodes for th

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