Trust in Me and Fall as Well

Bible Answers Live - A podcast by Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

Satan's most successful scheme in deceiving man has been to conceal his real purpose and his true character. He represents himself as man's friend - a benefactor of the race, an angel from Heaven doing a good work for humanity, (2Red, 34). He believes his own lies and convinces others of the same. Does any of this seem all that foreign and unfamiliar ? Does any of this sound all that distant and strange ? Tune in now as we study Satan's character and the war in Heaven after his rebellion. We'll discuss too another of his lies about the singular path to salvation, and we'll explain the steps to conversion. There's so much created confusion, but we must not give ground to the devil. We must believe in God's faithfulness and care, we must give our Father a chance to provide, a chance to sustain us and a chance to strengthen us. "Never could there be a better Master, for His service is freedom," (C.H.S.). Freedom in truth indeed. 1.- How could Satan and his angels fight against Michael and His angels, if Satan had been cast down to Earth ? 2.- Is the Torah relevant for Christians today ? 3.- Why do some religions believe that they are the only ones that have the truth ? 4.- What should I do if I find a job that requires me to work one Sabbath a month ? 5.- When we get to Heaven will we still have the same character that we died with ? 6.- Have the prophecies about the sun turning dark, the moon turning red and the stars falling already taken place ? or are they still ahead of us ? 7.- Is Genesis 1 verse 26 telling us that we are to be good stewards of the earth ? 8.- What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you” ? 9.- Where in the Scriptures can I find when the end of probation takes place ? is it at the death decree, or at the mark of the beast ? 10.- How can we explain that Adam and Eve were clothed with light ? 11.- In Jeremiah 3 verse 9, who is the “she” that is being referenced ? 12.- Could the second disciple on the road to Emmaus be Cleopas’ wife ? 13.- Will God put people to sleep if they can’t handle the end-time persecution ? 14.- Does the rainbow cloud in “The Days of Noah” DVD series represent the New Jerusalem ? 15.- Is it possible for people to be demon possessed ? 16.- In 1 John 2, do verses 7 and 8 contradict each other ? 17.- What is another way to witness besides sharing pamphlets ? 18.- Once you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, do you need to be baptized ? 19.- Where did Cain find his wife ? 20.- Have I lost my salvation if I’m not doing what God wants ? 21.- Why did Jesus have to be tortured in order to save mankind ? Couldn't He have just died ? 22.- Genesis 1 verse 14 says God created night and day, but Revelation 21 verse 25 says that there is no night in the New Jerusalem. Will you explain this ? 23.- In Mark 12 verse 26 Jesus said that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of the living, not the dead. Does this mean they were taken to Heaven ?

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