Something More Than Temporary

Bible Answers Live - A podcast by Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

This isn't it. This isn't it. There's so much more that we're not seeing. This isn't the happiest happy we will experience. God has things that are worth it, unparalleled, unimagined. This, this isn't it. Please join the pastors as they speak on the Second Coming, about the role of the Holy Spirit in Heaven, about glorified bodies in Heaven, about pets in Heaven, and about God fulfilling His promises. Don't want this temporary. Yearn for something more, for forever with God in the midst of absolute love and beauty and perfection, and peace. Tune in now ! 1.- How is a Christian supposed to deal with certain political regulations that are completely against the Bible ? 2.- Who is God referring to in the previous verse ? (2 Thessalonians 2 verses 10 and 11) If God is good, why would He send His people a strong delusion so that they would believe a lie ? 3.- In Daniel 9:26, why does The NKJV have different wording than other translations ? 4.- Who are the sons of God in Job 1 verse 6, and when did Satan stop having access to them ? 5.- How can every eye see Jesus return if the earth is round ? 6.- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Heaven ? 7.- Hebrews 4 verse 5 says, “He shall not enter into my rest.” Is that referring to the Sabbath ? 8.- If Jesus is all knowing, why did He say that no one knows the day or the hour of His return ? 9.- Why didn’t God forgive Achan after he confessed ? 10.- How would one define being unequally yoked in a marriage, in the case of separation ? 11.- Regarding the Trinity, could the Holy Spirit be considered the omnipresence of God ? 12.- Will you please explain Proverbs 23 verses 20 and 21 ? 13.- Why did God refer to Isaac as Abraham’s only son when he also had Ishmael ? 14.- Will our pets be in Heaven ? 15.- Will Jesus forgive Pontius Pilate ? 16.- Where was Daniel when Hananiah, Mischael and Azariah were standing before the golden statue ? 17.- What is the connection between the Sanctuary and salvation ? 18.- In the Lord’s Prayer, what does, “Lead us not into temptation,” mean ? 19.- What were the laws before the Ten Commandments were given ? After all, isn’t sin the transgression of the law ? 20.- Does the Bible say that Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Life before they sinned, and if so why didn’t they become immortal ? 21.- What would have happened if Judas Iscariot repented of his sin ? After all the Bible predicted that he was to betray Christ.

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