One With an Ending, the Second Without

Bible Answers Live - A podcast by Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

From cover to cover, the Bible is filled with stories of temptations and attacks, betrayals and losses - Babylon against Israel. Today, the Lord is still watching for signs in us of surrender, signs in us of seriousness and fidelity, signs that we are ready... but our taste for the mundane grows; our worship of the world has barely begun. "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen," and we must leave for it has become a dwelling place of demons. This world rots and strides toward its destruction, yet God's Kingdom has no end. His Kingdom of glory will be forever. Join us now as we learn that understanding God's Word affects our image of Him and our relationship with Him, and that misunderstanding it will change our ability to love Him and reject the devil. Study with us now ! 1.- If we do something wrong but repent, at the time of judgment will God show our sin to everyone ? 2.- Is the recent extreme weather a sign of the tribulation ? 3.- Who is Melchizedek as mentioned in Hebrews 7 verses 1 through 10 ? 4.- What doctrine are the apostles adhering to in Acts 2 verse 42 ? 5.- During the days of Nehemiah, how was the Day of Atonement kept when the Ark of the Covenant was not in the Most Holy Place ? 6.- What do you think about modern praise dancing, and is it biblical ? 7.- What would have happened if Hagar and Abram didn’t have Ishmael ? 8.- Is there a correlation between the closing of probation and the closing of the door on Noah’s ark ? 9.- Who is the “he” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7, and when will this verse be fulfilled ? 10.- Does the seven-day weekly cycle have Babylonian roots ? 11.- In Exodus 20 verses 3 through 5, it says God is a jealous God. Isn’t jealousy a sin ? 12.- Does 1 Timothy 2 verse 12 still apply to our day ? 13.- What is the significance of Leviticus 19 verses 23 through 25 ? 14.- Would you speak about the second commandment and how it relates to the images we use in church and Sabbath School ? 15.- Will you please help me understand John 8 verse 56 ? 16.- Does the 7 times 70 mentioned in the book of Matthew relate to the 490-year time period in the book of Daniel ? 17.- How do I explain to other Christians the importance of studying Bible doctrine ? 18.- How do I study the Bible ? 19.- Why does the Bible use symbols in prophecy ? 20.- Where do we go when we die ? 21.- Is it boastful of God to resurrect those who pierced Christ so that they see His return ? 22.- Why do we wear shoes in church if being in the presence of God is being on holy ground ? 23.- Can you explain the rapture of the church ? 24.- Do you think Judas Iscariot would have been forgiven if he repented after the resurrection ?

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