Lost Again

Bible Answers Live - A podcast by Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

Christ entered into a mercy mission just for you. "The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full as though there were not another soul upon the Earth," (SC, 100). He's seeking out His people, He's seeking out His lost ones, He's seeking out you. Join us and find direction again; find comfort in His word again. Learn with us how to find God's will, how to find perfection, and how to love God more. 1.- Why was the Lord angry at Moses in Deuteronomy 3 verse 26 ? Why did the He prohibit Moses from crossing over the Jordan River ? 2.- How do I know which college to attend ? 3.- How should one read Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel ? Are there any Scriptures that mention the modern state of Israel ? 4.- In Ezekiel 34 verses 23-24, is Ezekiel talking about Jesus when it says, “My servant David shall feed them and be their shepherd” ? 5.- In which resurrection will the people of the Old Testament people be ? 6.- Could UFOs be carrying visitants from unfallen worlds ? 7.- What kind of fruit did the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil bear ? 8.- Are the four creatures and the twenty-four elders in Revelation symbolic ? 9.- Is there a connection between Babel and Babylon ? 10.- Are there references in the Old Testament to Jesus and the twelve apostles ? 11.- Why do people choose Sunday instead of Saturday as their Holy Day ? 12.- Are the Jews that are in Jerusalem today the same Jews that left Egypt in the Exodus ? 13.- What are Bible verses to help and comfort people with physical and mental health issues ? 14.- Did Ezra go to Jerusalem in 457 B.C., or in 458 B.C. ? 15.- Will the wicked be tormented before or after the millennium ? 16.- Is it a sin to get married again after divorce ? 17.- Please explain how Mark 12 verse 27 says that God is the God of the living, not of the dead yet Romans 14 verse 9 says that He is the Lord of both ? 18.- What does Revelation 3 verse 9 mean ? 19.- How are we to be perfect ? 20.- Does the bible say that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Life, and if yes, why didn't they become immortal ? 21.- How do I love God more ?

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