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Bible Answers Live - A podcast by Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

God has permitted a flood of light to be poured upon the world in discoveries in science. But even the greatest minds, if not guided by the Word of God, become bewildered in their attempts to investigate the relations of science and revelation, (HF, 322). Knowledge has increased exponentially more in the last 100 years than in all of the history of man combined ! Could this be a sign ? Look at where we are and what we are doing... In all regards, may we let our Father and Lord lead the way as this world's time expires. Tune in and study with us about Armageddon and its timeline. We'll also discuss the Second Coming, the first and second deaths described in the Bible, and very importantly, why the Sabbath is still to be observed today. 1.- Are the Armageddons referenced in Revelation chapters 16 and 20 the same event or different ? 2.- How can we know that Sabbath is Saturday ? 3.- Is Enoch really still alive ? 4.- Is using the name "Jesus" wrong since His name in Hebrew was different ? 5.- Why do I go to church on Sunday if Sunday is Resurrection Day ? 6.- How will every eye see Jesus' return if I'm blind ? 7.- Will you please explain why God permitted Jacob to build pillars when Scripture states that it is forbidden ? 8.- Were Adam and Eve created before Sabbath ? and when exactly was their wedding ? 9.- What does Deuteronomy 14 verse 26 mean ? 10.- Are the seven trumpets past, current or future events ? 11.- What would it mean if the River Euphrates dried up before the seven last plagues begin ? 12.- Will you please explain the “sin unto death” mentioned in 1 John 5 verse 16 ? 13.- Would dairy and eggs be considered vegetarian ? 14.- Can we actually rebuke demons through reading Scripture and prayer ? 15.- Why don't Seventh-day Adventists believe in speaking in tongues and dancing ? 16.- In regards to the second death, the Bible says God will send down fire. Is the fire literal, and are angels susceptible to it ? 17.- Is it okay to lend to people your tithe, if you do not have any cash to lend them ? 18.- Is it alright to read the Book of Enoch ? 19.- What does the Bible mean when it says, "and as many as have been appointed to eternal life believed"? Does that mean that God chooses who is saved and who is lost ?

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