A Staggering Disaster For 20 Million in America

There's a shadow healthcare crisis looming for 20 million, and you probably haven't heard about it. That's because it largely affects a group of people who have been swept up in the politics of immigration and border policy -- even though the vast majority of them are naturalized citizens, documented permanent residents, or Americans born in this country. Adriana Cadena, Director of the Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign, and Leo Cuello, a research professor at the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, explain why this is happening, why it's so important, and what can be done about it. 00:00 Introduction to the Looming Healthcare Crisis 01:05 Understanding the Scale of the Problem 04:32 The Human Impact of Losing Healthcare Coverage 06:09 Exploring the Reasons Behind the Crisis 11:19 The Role of Immigration Status in Healthcare Access 13:07 The Politics of Healthcare and Immigration 22:55 Potential Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis 27:48 The Future of Healthcare for Immigrant Families 31:58 Closing Thoughts on the Importance of Policy Experts

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Paul Hodes is a former New Hampshire Congressman and National Co-Chair of Barack Obama's 2008 campaign. Matt Robison is a former senior congressional staffer and campaign manager. They host "Beyond Politics," a show that goes beyond the usual week-to-week news and political chatter, and examines the deeper issues driving American politics through interviews with senior insiders from government, universities, and political campaigns.