Contextually aware buildings in a Smart City/Smart Grid World – Don Kasper - Part 1

What is happening when decarbonization and electrification push cities to become smarter? What roles do digitalization companies need to have to create a better industry? This is an episode that goes Beyond Buildings and we get a chance to talk to Don Kasper, VP, Strategy and Business Development at Sentient Buildings LLC, who shares the same mission of Beyond Buildings, in making the world a better place. With a mechanical training and energy modelling background Don Kasper’s job is to be the data manager of buildings. Get the data out, make sense of it, and create value with it, at scale. We get to hear about his vision about a more sustainable world, the past present, and future of energy efficiency, retro-commissioning, and sustainability aspects. We go into depth about what energy modelling has been, and what it needs to be and we get an interesting view of how analytics has changed over the years and how we now need to go beyond buildings. Where in New York new laws will put a penalty on not knowing enough about existing buildings and it’s interesting what that will do with data transparency at large. This is only the beginning of the story. Part 2 will be all about what happens at the final frontier, and how to solve tomorrow's most pressing challenges today. Enjoy this great episode and subscribe and share if you think this is for you, or anyone that you know! Links: Don Kasper, VP, Strategy and Business Development at Sentient Buildings LLC Nicolas Waern, Podcast Creator, Strategy & Innovation Expert at WINNIIO

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Predicting what the world will do in a week, a month, a year from now. We talk to Innovative leaders on how they create optimal value in a Smart World Context. We combine strategy and technology talk, realizing that it is the fast that eats the slow. Speed is everything and that is why this podcast sets out to help people get started, get going and how to succeed with digitalization initiatives in a smart world context. Technology is easy, it’s the rest that is the tricky part! It's Smart Cities, It's Smart Buildings and most importantly, it's Smart People!