Part 4: On the Edge of the Void, ft. Elisabeth Paquette

Being & Event - A podcast by Andrew Culp and Alexander R. Galloway


Covering Part 4 of Alain Badiou’s Being and Event, described through the expression “On the Edge of the Void,” Alex and Andrew cover the event, history, and the contradictory hypotheses of the ultra-one (the necessity of the event) and the being of non-being (the necessity of the decision). Guest Elisabeth Paquette identifies limits to universality from Badiou’s Marxist legacy and suggests Afro-Caribbean approaches to emancipation through difference. Paquette is a professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is the author of Universal Emancipation: Race Beyond Badiou and is currently working on a book on Sylvia Wynter. Concepts related to the Edge of the Void Being Qua Being through (1) a Presentation of the Multiple, (2) the Void as the Proper Name of Being, (3) Representation as the Excess of the State of a Situation, (4) Nature as Normal, and (5) Infinity that Expands Beyond the Limit, History as an Alternative to Nature, Singular Multiplicities, Edge of the Void, Site of the State and Evental Site, Axiom of Foundation, The Subject Who Makes a Decision, The Matheme of the Event, Contradictory Hypotheses of the Event, the Standpoint of the Undecidable, Event as External to Ontology Interview with Elisabeth Paquette Badiou’s Saint Paul, System Thinking, Sara Ahmed, Audre Lorde, Critiques of Marxism, Frantz Fanon and Aimé Césiare, Leon Trotsky and Whiteness, Universal, Difference, Sexual Difference, Subtraction, Sylvia Wynter, CLR James, Édouard Glissant. Links Paquette profile, Paquette papers, Paquette, Universal Emancipation: Race Beyond Badiou,

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